We are specialists’ that strive to create value for shareholders of abandoned public companies.



Update 1/25/21

On EMDF XL Rent, Inc. / E Med Future, Inc. I settled with the transfer agent (Standard) and obtained the current shareholder counts. As reported by the TA. Total Restricted: 16,716,999 Total Un-restricted: 25,843,616 Total Shares: 42,560,615. Talks are still ongoing and as of today nothing has been finalized for a change of control.

I talked with JW Roth in regards to RIBS Southern Concepts Restaurant Group, Inc. on Saturday. He is the majority shareholder and debt holder. His claim to the company is undisputable and his attorney brought RIBS current with the Colorado SOS. I have instructed my attorney Jack Tanner to withdraw our petition. Wishing Mr. Roth the best of luck in his endeavors. Any future inquiries should be directed to him or his attorney Tobin Kern.

I talked with SMEV Simulated Environment Concepts, Inc. COO Allen Licht on Friday. It was a productive conversation and potentially Mr. Licht is open to a way that Synergy could provide resources to help bring SMEV into good standing and look for a potential acquisition or merger candidate to bring to the table. Since Mr. Licht is still an active officer and would dispute any court actions on my part I have instructed my Mr. Leinwand to withdraw the custodian petition. Mr. Licht and I have agreed to talk more this week as he is currently working with the TA to locate the SH records.

In the last update I incorrectly stated the orders for ALKN Alkane, Inc. and BABL Buildablock Corp. were being submitted due to a misunderstanding with my attorney (Mr. Leinwand). I now understand the attorney will be submitting motions for a hearing. This was not completed last week as he stated he was waiting for a document on the filing of Synergy in Florida that he expected today (1/25). I anticipate the motions being on file this week with the courts. The proposed orders will not be submitted until after the hearing. I am opening surveys to hopefully strengthen my position with the courts through shareholder support. If you are a shareholder of ALKN or BABL please submit a survey as soon as possible. I also opened a survey for BDCM Broadcast Marketing Group, Inc. however it is still in the response period after process of service.

ALKN Alkane, Inc. https://survey.sogosurvey.com/r/nyr5XS

BABL Buildablock Corp. https://survey.sogosurvey.com/r/QAackH

BDCM Broadcast Marketing Group, Inc. https://survey.sogosurvey.com/r/vEDZii

I did check in with my attorney Bret Anderson on AESO Atlantic Energy Solutions, Inc. and THDS 3Dshopping.com in the California courts (my petition to be appointed to the board). He stated the courts were backed up due to Covid but hoped to have a court date soon.

On GVDI Golden Valley Development, Inc. things are still wrapping up and I hope to be able to report on this at some point this week. I am pushing the other party to complete as quickly as possible.

I have a few inquiries in to Jeremy Anderson my attorney in Delaware. I am hoping to get an update at some point this week on our petitions in the court of Chancery.