We are specialists’ that strive to create value for shareholders of abandoned public companies.



Update 11/18/2020


Meant to get this out earlier, it was as busy day.

On IVME (In Veritas Medical Diagnostics, Inc.) the judge had read the statute closely and noted that it requires a substantive hearing before appointment.  So, he set that hearing (via telephone) for Dec. 8 at 10 a.m. The attorney is ordered to file a notice with the court and serve it on the registered agent.

GVDI (Golden Valley Development, Inc.) from attorney yesterday. “Talked to the Court on GVDI. The Court is going to set a 15 minute hearing to discuss the matter before signing the order. We will let you know when we have that set.”

On CLHI (CLST Holdings, Inc.), we are attempting to get in contact with as many shareholders as possible. The shareholder list that we have is very outdated. The judge is requiring a notice sent out and there will potentially be a shareholder meeting and vote at a later date. If you are a shareholder please email us right away at info@synergymgtgroup.com. I have already heard from around fifty shareholders (owners of over 50% of the outstanding shares) that have supplied their contact information. Thank you for that!

On the Florida petitions/complaints. ALKN (Alkane, Inc.), we are waiting for the response period to expire. On BABL (Buildablock Corp.) and BDCM (Broadcast Marketing Group, Inc.) we are waiting on the return of service to come back. No solid timeline as with the current environment it is hard to estimate.


Benjamin Berry