We are specialists’ that strive to create value for shareholders of abandoned public companies.



Update 10/15/20

A big thank you to all of you that expressed your support through letters to our attorney. We are hoping those will be helpful with his response to the Delaware Chancellor which I believe he is wrapping up this week.

We received the order from the Colorado courts appointing Benjamin Berry as the custodian of AGSO (Agrisolar Solutions). We will start work to settle any balances with the TA, obtain shareholder records, bring the company current with the SOS and pay any back taxes. For change of control, we have several interested parties and are working to vet them.

We have filed to become custodian of ALKN (Alkane, Inc) with the Florida courts. We have a few more we are working to complete in Florida and hope to be filed this week or early next.

The court date for GVDI (Golden Valley) is tomorrow and we will let you know how it goes.

Benjamin Berry